Pi/Pie Author
16 Jun 2024

Config of root path - Pi/Pie

In the Pi/Pie project, developers can set the root path in index.pi.

+ html
+ path
+ option

this_file = path.this()
option.path.root = this_file.parent.path


The path.this() return an Path object of the current file. The Path object has parent property that is also Path object, and path property that is not relative but absolute.

index.pi is directly placed in the project directory so its parent is project itself.

In the above case, the root path is set to the project path. The default root is "/" in the OS level.

I think Pi/Pie language can be used in Rollpie and local environments. If you use Pi/Pie as an alternative of Python or Java in your computer, you may not need to change the root path. In the Rollpie project, there is no need to change the root option.