Pi/Pie Author
16 Jun 2024

Arithmetic operations in Pi/Pie

The arithmetic operations in Pi/Pie are the same as Python.

x = 3
y = 2

a = x + y
b = x - y

m = x * y
p = x**y

d = x / y
r = x % y

** means the power operator so p is 9. % is the modulo operator so r is 1.

Operator as function

This section will be changed in the future. The plus operator (+) is the special form of __add__ function of number class N, Z, Q, R, C. So 1 + 2 is equal to:


But Pi/Pie IDE should not support this confusing expression.

The power operator is formally equal to __power__ function and the argument type of it is Z. So


is invalid. Whether an operator is valid or not is judged by the argument type of operator function.

Support of operations like +=

I will not support += like operations in Pi/Pie.